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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shepherd Costume ~ Sauri Style

SO... You remember Caridad's 2011 ~Halloween Costume~ right??  Yes, it was originally made for the Nativity Play at church on Christmas Eve 2009. 

She and Reynaldo decided that they wanted to participate in the Nativity Play last year.  We originally thought that Ernest would make a great lamb for Rey to "shepherd" but when it was time for play practice, Ern was having nothing to do with it. 

Men size T-Shirt and different types of rope

His name was crossed off the sign up sheet!  Poor guy he's still drinking a bottle for goodness sake. 

Babies Sauri with Papi.  Excuse my shadow...

Aunti Vi sewed Caridad's Angel outfit in 2009 but I didn't feel comfortable asking her to whip something up for Reynaldo this time around.  Granted, I did not yet own a sewing machine, I figured that I would rely on my fellow bloggers in blogland to help me with ideas. 

I used ~her~ method and I think it worked out perfect. 

Listening to instructions.  Caridad looks a bit confused wouldn't you say?

After all, I do not imagine that Shepherds back in Jesus' day were draped in gold and fine linen.  Wouldn't you agree that they probably wore simple cloth that was not immaculate and not prim and proper? 

Don't get me wrong, I will sew something up for Rey the next time something like this comes along but I vow to make it simple and fitting for a Shepherd, not a King.     

My beautiful Shepherd and Angel Sauri

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 2012 ~Scrapbooking~

Kindergarten Graduation Day, May 20th 2011.
I absolutely love this picture of Sissy. 
My Materials:
From SEI's Sunny Day Collection

1} Umbrella Glitter Paper (front)
2}  trellis Pink Foil Paper (front and back)
3} Puddle Foil Paper (back)
4} Rain Puddle Solid Cardstock (front)
5}  Golden Sky Solid Cardstock (back)
6} Garden Variety Perforated Paper (for journal spot, month title and flower)
7}  From Zig
Photo Signature Purple Pen
The blue color of her cap and gown really brought out her eyes.  I have another picture from this day that someday I will scrap to show you.  But until then, my May calendar page will have to do.


I need to work on the photo matting idea.  A year later I am looking at these and thinking there are so many things I could have done differently.

Other 2012 layouts.

Mommy Sauri~

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ernest's 2nd Birthday Party

As promised, I am posting some photos from Ernest's BOOK PARTY.  We celebrated the completion of his 2nd year here on this beautiful Earth completely Sauri Style. 

You remember the ~Happy Birthday Garland~ I made for the front windows?  I made a couple others that you notice in these pictures.

I made the topiaries 0 hour the night and morning of the party!  So frustrating but totally worth the stress.  They were a huge hit. 

All the scrumptious desserts, MADE THEM!  I told you all in ~this post~ that it's been super crazy for us lately.  This may have had a little to do with the craziness. 

Click ~this link~ for the step-by-step instructions for this yummy ~Sweet Rice~.  I had to hide a cup for Papi otherwise I may have gotten in trouble by Grandma Mela.

For some reason our baby boy has become camera shy and even adverse to other people touching him???  So believe me when I tell you this is one of the few pictures that were caught of him smiling. 

We had a lot of fun eating pizza and Grandma Donna's yummy macaroni salad.  I will definitely share that gem of a step-by-step someday.  And a party at Casa de Sauri is not complete unless Papi makes bar-b-q.  We tried to stick to just pizza but people demanded it! 

And all the preparation leading up to this day might all make sense now.  We've been busy little bees at Casa de Sauri.  Take a look for yourself.

Even~this~ activity was BOOK THEMED!
~table centerpiece~
I want to give a special thank you to Teliece Garcia for all of the fantastic photos.  She is super talented at photography and I hear she's even more talented at baking.


And thank you ~ECA~ for hooking me up!
Mommy Sauri~

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Book Party Thank You's

I feel terrible that I've neglected my lovely space here in the blogosphere these last couple of weeks. 

We had a really fun birthday party for the BABIEST of Babies Sauri a couple of weeks ago. 
Then T-Ball started and then we celebrated Easter and then we all caught some bug or another so I'm behind I know. 

Today I'm sharing my hand stamped and home made thank you cards for the guests at Ernest's Book Birthday Party.

My Materials:
1} Book Pages
From The Paper Studio
2} Cream Cardstock
From Stampabilities
3} acid-free pigment ink pad in black & gold
4} double sided tape (I'm sorry I threw away the original box but I believe it is Scotch foam double sided tape)
From Zig
5} Photo Signature Black Pen
6} Scissors

I used the same "spreadsheet" idea I used for the ~Party Invitations~ but this time around I made a folded card. 

I inked the edge of the front of the card with gold ink.

I folded a book page around the actual card, simmilar to my method for the ~Party Invitations~, to act as an envelope and I mailed them out.  I'm sure the folks at the post office don't appreciate my choice of envelope to mail my correspondence but I do pay extra so they can just get over it.

I'm happy with the outcome from the entire party celebration and I'll be back next week with a round up of the festivities.

Please follow my blog.  You won't be disappointed, I promise!

Mommy Sauri~

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

The Sauris are going to THE RANCH to celebrate.  It's sure to be a fun day because lots of little relatives will be up there to pay with. 

What are you doing today?

Mommy Sauri~

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Making Papi Happy

Papi has always been a lover of this dessert.  Whether you call it rice pudding, arroz con leche, or SWEET RICE, it makes my Cubi happy to eat it.

My grandmother shared this recipe with me specifically so that I'd do something to please my husband.  YES, you all can take that however you'd like.  I for one was offended at first but I make it anyway because it does make my Cubi happy. 

OK, just so you know, I'm still offended at grandmas undertones to her comment and I probably won't get over it any time soon.
This is time consuming but the finished dessert is so yummy.

Sweet Rice
Makes 12 servings
6 cups milk
1 cinnamon stick
3/4 cup long grain white rice
3/4 cup Sugar
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 cup Heavy whipping cream
3 egg yolks, beaten
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Step 1}  Rinse the inside of your pan with cold water.  I use a pressure cooker for ease of cleaning once your dessert is finished.

Step 2}  Combine your 6 cups of milk and a cinnamon stick.  Bring to a boil.  You could also use a vanilla bean that you split, in place of the cinnamon stick.  I actually prefer that but didn't have one this go-round.

Step 3}  While your milk comes to a boil, combine the next 6 ingredients, after the rice in the list above, into a large bowl. Then set aside. 

I forgot  a picture when I added the vanilla extract, sorry!

Step 4}  Wash your rice.  I used the dirty measuring cup to wash my rice.  If I were lucky enough to have someone clean up after me, I'd be using a separate holder for each ingredient I use.  But some of us live in a world where we have to clean up after ourselves, so don't hate.

Step 5}  Once your milk and cinnamon stick come to a boil, add your clean rice, reduce heat to medium and return to a boil. 

Step 6}  When your pot begins to boil, simmer for 55 minutes until rice is good and tender.

Step 7}  When your time is up, remove the cinnamon stick.  You have to add the bowl of everything else to the hot pot now.  In order to keep the egg yolk from cooking you need to temper the mixture by adding a spoonful from the hot pot to your bowl, mix and repeat, about 5 times until the bowl is brought to a similar temperature.  Then you can pour the whole bowl into your hot pot.

Sorry I forgot to take a pic of my tempering process but I hope you get the idea.  You can ask questions in the comments if you have them.

Step 8}  Once everything is combined on the stove, return the pot to a boil.  This will cook the egg and make everything nice a creamy incorporated.

Step 9}  I divide the dessert into serving size containers to make it easier for the kids, Papi to have a snack easier than serving their own.

Do you have any variations that you've found successful?  Papi claims he has a much faster way of preparing the sweet treat but I kind of like the slow going of this.  I feel it makes it that much more enjoyable.

Thanks for visiting.  Follow me via Google Reader or Linky Followers.  THAT will make Mommy happy!
Mommy Sauri~


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What The??

It is Holy Week for crying out loud.  We are supposed to be gearing up for our Easter Egg Hunts and Family Picnics.  New Mexico weather is so unpredictable I tell ya.
Driving and taking pictures.  I do not recommend it!
The view outside my desk window.  Can you see the grass smiling?
The bushes are happy too!

I'm happy though.  We've needed this for far too long.  I've gotten out of bed, everyone out the door ready to face the day, dropped the babies at grandma and grandpa's, drove to work, AND IT IS STILL SNOWING.  It's going to be a great day.

God, my flowers thank you!

Mommy Sauri~

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 2012 ~Scrapbooking~

Welcome to April everyone!

When I think of April I think of cute baby ducklings and chicks and beautiful pastel colors.

I have a lot of crafty thoughts running through my mind but let's see what I can get accomplished, OK?

To welcome this beautiful month today, I'm posting my April 2012 layout from my parent's Christmas present last season.

My Materials:
From SEI's Sunny Day Collection

1}  Umbrella Glitter Paper (front and back)
2} White paper (I apologize I cannot find the name of the actual paper anywhere)
3} Rain Puddle Solid Cardstock
4} Golden Sky Solid Cardstock
5}  Jigsaw Kraft Edgers.
6} The Paper Studio Dual Tip Glue Pen (definately not for scrapbooking)

 I added quite a bit of detail to this page using my black pen.  You notice the "stitching" around the circles?

I used my black pen to add dots to emphasize the jigsaw boarder I used in certain spots also.     

I tried to use some scrap strips that I had accumulated to make the calendar rows and columns.  I also tied in the white from the picture layout above, by numbering the days using coordinating paper.

I feel like I'm becomeing a bit more familiar with the process at this point.  I'm still new to the game so most of the decorative elements are hand cut and decorated. 
Other 2012 layouts.

Isn't that baby boy so adorable??  I look at this over year later and wish time would slow down.  He's getting so big!

Mommy Sauri~

Friday, March 30, 2012

What a Week!

After a long, exhausting week there is nothing like an ice cold strawberry spritzer!

Can you believe she asked specifically for 2 ice cubes, a straw and strawberry garnish!
She truly is our princess.

Mommy Sauri~

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Ernest!

2 years ago today you arrived so perfectly.  I love you so much.  You make me smile, even when times are not-so-happy.

I hope you have a fun day Goog!
Mommy Sauri~

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What We Did ~2~

I was noticing the last time I posted about What We Did we~bar b q'd~ also.  Papi is certainly the best I've ever met, but this weekend it was Mommy's turn.  

We had hotdogs and bratwursts. 

We had fun.

I hope you had a fun weekend too.  Tell me about it in the comments.  I love to read them!

Mommy Sauri~