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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Advent ~ Morning Ritual

Well Papi finally returned from his trip to Cuba. We all were super excited to have him back. Man it's tough to be a "single mommy" even if it is for just 18 days. I don't know how you single mothers do it. I gain more respect for you all every time Ferny goes away.

I took a shower maybe 4 times while he was gone. Not becuase I like the dirty hair look but becuse it was all I could do to get a couple minutes of extra sleep in the morning after a busy day of DOING EVERYTHING BY MYSELF. Cubi, I'm soooooooooo glad you are home. Now I need to shower.

So you guys remember ~this year's~ Advent Calendar...We've had a lot of fun all month taking turns opening the day's envelope. 

Whoever wakes up first, goes and wakes up the other so that neither of them miss out on the day's activity or gift.

The babies are excited to draw a Christmas picture.  Do you see Cari's big smile!

Just a couple more days left until Christmas.  Are you guys ready for Santa?

Mommy Sauri~

1 comment:

  1. Your advent idea is fantastic! I might try to do this at our house next year. I might even add some chores...just for a laugh - hey, it might work, right? (susano)
